Guidance & Counselling

Education plays an important role in the progress of an individual mind and country and is a never-ending process of inner growth and development As Plato had stated “The individual is the heart of society”. Rightly said, the purpose of education is to cultivate the mind so that the individual can accomplish all his/her aims in life. The guidance and counseling of students is an integral component of the educational mission of the school.
Heritage Xperiential Learning School provides counseling programs in three domains: academic, career and personal/social. The services and programs help students resolve emotional, social or behavioral problems and assist them to develop a clearer focus and sense of direction. The counseling program plays a fundamental role to the school climate and is a crucial element in improving student achievement.
In the school setting, school counselors, like all school staff, have a set of professional responsibilities that define their scope of activities addressing the needs of:
• Students
• Parents/guardians
• Colleagues and professional associates
• School and community
The diverse needs of students require specific counseling expertise and the counseling department recognizes its scope of creating a homogenous positive learning climate within the class. When students require specialized, intensive or long-term counseling beyond what the school may reasonably be expected to provide, appropriate referrals are made. Workshops by experts in Cyber security, Issues of Adolescence, Handling Examination Anxiety, Development of Work skills, Life Skills Development, Parenting, Learning of the Differently abled and Career Counseling is conducted periodically for parents and students across various classes.
The Counseling Centre provides education, guidance, and counseling to all students in the school through activities such as:
• Direct instruction
• Guidance education
• Group Counseling
• Individual counseling, and
• Student support system
School counselors serve a dual role of educator (through guidance education activities) and counselor (through counseling services) merging when the counselor is involved in prevention work. All of life’s situations interact with each other. For instance, by addressing a student’s personal/social needs through counseling, the counseling department simultaneously teaches resiliency skills and affects the student’s readiness for educational challenges. As a result of such interrelationships, counseling supports the integration of guidance and counseling services to address school and community needs. Educational planning and services are coordinated in the best interest of the student. Information is shared with adherence to appropriate guidelines for confidentiality. School counselors bridge communication with parents at every opportunity.